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The Definitive Guide to Etiquette for the Modern Sith

//Access Encrypt Files_[public]//……//Encrypt accepted//… …//Select File?//…//Etiquette_Guide_001//…//Opening//…

  1. Always be aware of your rank, and the rank of those around you; correct courtesy must be shown to your superiors at all times.
  2. Refer to your superiors either as “My Lord”, or by their correct title as appropriate. One should never address one’s superior in a familiar manner; though at the request of said superior, a more familiar honorific may be applied.
  3. A Dark Lord of the Sith is always to be addressed as “Dark Lord” or other appropriate honorific (individual titles may apply) and never in a familiar manner. When speaking of a Dark Lord while not in their presence, one should alway refer to them by the title “Dark Lord” or their chosen Darth name / title.
  4. When greeting a superior Sith, it is correct at all times to bow deeply; this may include more ceremonial bows (incorporating movements of the arm) or the traditional warrior’s bow (arms by the sides or clasped in front).

    1. In the presence of the Dark Lord of House Horuset (Darth Horuset) one should kneel before them in an act of subservience; the same for a Sith Apprentice and their master, though this is sometimes at the discretion of said master.
      • It is encouraged by the Dark Lord to kneel before any visiting Dark Lord also; such is an act of respect owed to the highest echelon of Sith society, and demonstrates House Horuset’s adherence to Tradition.

  5. The above rules are to be applied at all times, and to all Sith, unless specifically stated in the above. This includes those visiting from other, external powerbases as well as those within House Horuset itself.

The Definitive Guide to Etiquette for the Modern Sith

File Overview:

The purpose of this document is simple; to educate those who are unaware of the precise rules of etiquette to be followed in the Empire. If you are reading this, it is to be presumed that you are either here because you wish to reacquaint yourself with the rules of etiquette so as to better serve the powerbase; or that you have been given this file directly by a superior due to your own inadequate behaviour. To both, I say this: mark the words below well, for they are an integral part of the backbone of Imperial Society. Without these rules, we surrender to our base instincts; to corruption; to anarchy; to un-Imperial thoughts.


When interacting with your fellow Sith:

When interacting with those outside of the Sith Order:

  1. One should always be aware that those outside of the Sith Order are beneath those within it in rank; this is a fundamental core of Imperial and Sith society, and should always be kept in mind.
    1. This does not extend to Acolytes, who are not true members of the Sith Order and as such not privy to the privileges which come with such membership; specific details of when this should be considered are included below.

  2. When interacting with an Imperial of high rank (at least of Officer standing) one should show the proper respect by referring to them either by the appropriate military title (‘Captain’, ‘Admiral’, ‘Moff’) or by similar honorifics; for male, female or other officers, ‘Sir’ is likewise appropriate.
    1. Although Sith are considered to outrank Imperials of all colours, Acolytes should always treat Imperials of any rank as their superiors. One should refer to any soldier as ‘Sir’ when addresseed, though one need not bow.
    2. Ancient tradition dictates that Sith do not bow other than to fellow members of the order; this should be observed when interacting with Imperial officers. One need not bow, but an appropriately respectful gesture of greeting (an incline of the head or courteous nod) is appropriate when respect is due.

  3. When interacting with members of Imperial nobility, one should show the proper respect by referring to them by their appropriate title (‘Lord’, ‘Duke’, ‘Count’).
    1. Though members of Nobility are not considered higher in rank than members of the Sith Order, they are considered an important part of Imperial society and are therefore entitled to respect unless they have failed to reciprocate said respect in kind;
    2. One should not bow or kneel to nobility, as they are outside both the Sith and Imperial hierarchy. However, it is correct to greet them with the same manner of greeting as one would offer an Imperial Officer (an incline of the head or courteous nod);
    3. Acolytes should likewise show respect when interacting with Imperial Nobility; as part of their training, Acolytes have forfeited their prior social standing for the sake of their position as prospective Sith, and should therefore act always as the social inferior to any visiting members of Imperial nobility.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION:This file was created by Apprentice Viren Sekker, with Apprentice Valeus Horuset, under the permission and authority of Sith Arvanis, Envoy of Tradition. The rules contained herein are approved by Sith Arvanis, to be distributed to the members of House Horuset. For ammendments or changes, contact Apprentice Viren Sekker.[/td][/tr][/table]END OF FILE. PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER.Y / NLOG OUT?Y / NYOU ARE NOW LOGGED OUT.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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