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Example Ability Sheets: New Acolyte and New Private

Example Ability Sheets

When a new character is created within House Horuset, or a new member joins the guild said character will start at the bottom of their respective ladders. For force based characters, this means starting as an Acolyte within House Horuset, and working your way up through the ranks and political intrigue in an effort to become an Apprentice to a Master within the Powerbase. For a none force user, this means starting as a Private of the Imperial Army, fresh out of the Imperial Academy where you received your basic training.

While many thousands of backstories can differentiate our characters, all of us will start within a certain bound when it comes to creating our characters. The examples below are examples of the maximum bound that can be pushed when creating an Acolyte or a Private. This isn't to say you can't go below that, or even far below that and experience learning everything entirely ICly, but it is certainly possible for Acolytes and Privates alike to have retained knowledge from their backstories and have that adapted into an ability sheet.

The Acolyte Ability Sheet

A general rule to follow when creating an Acolyte Ability sheet is the following. In regards to abilities that Acolytes specifically can learn have a single ability that your character can competently do within combat. This would be represented as a "3 (Beginner)" on the sheet. Have two abilities that your character can competently do out of combat, but within combat due to the added stress and adrenaline would struggle and requires further training to do perfect and represent them as "2 (N/A)" on the ability sheet. Finally, have two abilities that your character has begun learning and is currently training, but cannot competently achieve out or in combat, represented as "1 (N/A)".

The above follows the Acolyte abilities as outlined here alongside Shii-Cho, the only lightsaber form that Acolytes are able to learn from the Horuset Archives and from Korriban. If your character has skills in engineering, slicing or other none directly force related skills such as those an Imperial Soldier might possess, talk with a recruiter or a member of the guild team to get specifics of how it can be integrated into your ability sheet.

Below is an example Acolyte Ability sheet, following the rules from above. The character is aimed more towards a melee combatant style of fighter than a longer range force based character, hence why this character is skewed towards having initial abilities that they could have honed in their backstory towards such a fighting style.

Force Powers Stage
Force Sense 1 (N/A)
Force Barrier 2 (N/A)
Force Augmentation 2 (N/A)
Force Telekinesis 1 (N/A)
Lightsaber Forms Stage
Form I: Shii-Cho 3 (Beginner)

The Private's Ability Sheet

A Soldier's ability sheet has four key extra pieces of information within it compared to an Acolyte's ability sheet. The first is a list of Ribbons, Marks, Medals and Accolades that a soldier has earned with the second being equipment that they are able to use. Details of the different specialisations available to Imperial Soldiers is available here which also includes a basic list of what equipment each specialisation has access to. For more detailed looks into each piece of equipment a soldier can take, a list of equipment is here and a list of armours and uniforms is here. The third, is the current specialisation of the character and the fourth is their rank within the Imperial Army.

As a newly inducted Imperial Soldier into the Horuset Powerbase, you are a Private with the specialisation of "Infantry"; the default specialisation that all others can draw from. As a result, Imperial characters that are recently coming out of the Imperial Academy's basic training will have ability sheets that could look similar in what they initially have on them. From the Imperial Academy, six skills are taught to the soldiers, two of which are completely mandatory to succeed the academy, which are listed in this thread that details Imperial skills and training.

For Imperial Soldiers, your two mandatory abilities are "Weapons Training" and "Piloting" both of which must be at 3 (Beginner). Outside of the mandatory fields, a Private can select one ability to be at "3 (Beginner)", one ability to be at "2 (N/A)" and one ability to be at "1 (N/A". With each of those indicators meaning the same as what they mean for Acolytes. This sees Imperial Soldiers with a slight ability advantage over Acolytes at the start.

Below is an example of an Imperial Private's ability sheet. This Private is aiming more towards becoming a full on front line soldier, first in and last out. As such, they've focused on making sure their armour training is high alongside their explosives training and with an inkling of first aid, just incase they or one of their comrades gets injured. They have not devoted any learning towards Hand to Hand Combat when it was training in the academy, but that doesn't mean they can't pick it up once they're started in RP in HH.

Specialisation - Infantry

Rank: Army Private

Weaponry: Stage
Weapons Training 3 (Beginner)
Armour Proficiency: Stage
Armour Training 3 (Beginner)
Other: Stage
First Aid 1 (N/A)
Piloting 3 (Beginner)
Explosives 2 (N/A)


The above is the standard maximum guideline within House Horuset and is not the expected end result. If a Private came with ability in Slicing and Combat Knives to the detriment of the skills they were taught within the Imperial Academy, they would be able to have such skills from a backstory. Likewise, if an Acolyte came with those same skills they would be able to keep them to the detriment of their abilities with the force that they may have learned from time spent on Korriban. As said earlier, a character does not have to have any of these abilities with the exception of Weapons Training and Piloting for a Private, they may come to House Horuset with none of the above and learn all of it through roleplay within the guild.


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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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