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Experimentations with Telekinesis

Experimentation with Precision Telekinesis and Potential Training Regimens for Acolytes.

By Acolyte Tutam

Thanks to the knowledge and power of various Sith and Apprentices in House Horuset, I have begun down what I am assured is a long path with many opportunities for growth. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means through the power of the force and finding myself with time to practice for several evenings this week, I have decided to test the precise limits of this as well as hypothesize on potential applications for the future. This would be placed upon the archives as well, to potentially provide inspiration to future acolytes to attempt the unorthodox when it comes to getting an edge over another. Training and self improvement can be found with only basic tools if needs be. Anyone who states that you need advanced equipment and thousands of credits to train does so only out of vanity. In all things the Dark Side will provide, if you prove yourself worthy of it.
Experiment One: Telekinetic Stabilization of Another in Free Fall
This was the inspiration for my attempts to dig deeper into this power. Acolyte Dalia was thrown from a ledge by another Acolyte and I attempted to catch her with the force, or at least minimize the damage to her. This was due to the potential self interest in slowing my own decent from a great height. An alternative hypothetical power for the accomplishment would be so called "Force Slow" (detailed by Acolyte Cathryn Valorin in essay form1 in the acolyte archives).
In attempting this, I had the assistance of two others, though I say that in vanity. Truth be told I suspect the instructor provided most of the effort, with my own efforts and that of another acolyte proving less effective. A possible further use of this power would be to make leaps not otherwise possible and to enhance my general maneuverability.
My own experimentation would be as such: I would climb up on top of some crates or a wall and jump down, attempting to slow my decent with the force. This was not very successful in my view. I suspect this is a challenge that is above me, given my own weight and my own limited training in the force. In a dozen attempts I only felt myself slow once and subsequent attempts could not replicate that effect. I do wonder if fear is the answer, perhaps I would be more successful if I jumped from a height that would prove fatal if I failed? This will have to wait until I am more powerful I think, though if any of the aliens would chose to try this, I would be willing to try and catch them. I suspect if I told a Sith an alien jumped to their death trying to fly, this would be worth at least a laugh.
Experiment Two: Ripping Flesh
Ripping the limbs off a foe with the force would end a fight with a non force user almost instantly. Perhaps I am again exaggerating my prowess here. The idea is sound however. If one can bring one force to bear on an object, why not two forces? Three? If these forces oppose one another then surely great damage can be done to the target?
My own skill is not such however and I have attempted to destroy on a much smaller scale. To start with, I have retrieved paper from a nearby waste disposal and have attempted to tear it with the force. After initial resistance, I have managed to accomplish this, ripping it unevenly (note: find out if it is possible to control the path of the tear) several times over the space of several minutes. This fine level of telekinetic control is exhausting however and would take great concentration. I suspect there must be an easier way of accomplishing the same in battle. Having witnessed one of the household Sith throw an entire warhead with the force (and giving due reverence to the sheer power and skill required to do such), I suspect I am quite far from the top of this power. This frustration lead to my next experiment.
Experiment Three: Screwing Up and Unscrewing Up Paper
The premise is simple enough. Have I the skill to ball up in frustration fold and unfold a sheet of paper (or the closest thing that can be found laying about.). The idea would be to enhance my fine control, possibly to the point of self maintenance one day, or perhaps precision torture? Imagine the damage that could be done by pulling at a single point on a foe's eyeball...
The short answer to if I have the skill is sometimes, but the I lack the delicacy to do this constantly. Half the time the paper is torn and destroyed by my initial efforts, often guided by the failure of my last attempt. On my seventh attempt I made some progress, folding a discarded document (possibly discarded by a local? It was an advertisement for a chain restaurant) almost four times and unfolding it whole again. Since then I have had greater success and replicated this feat thrice over in the subsequent five attempts. The folds are not necessarily clean, nor straight yet however. If I am to practice precision let me consider anything less than precise as failure.
Experiment Four: Throwing Rocks at Oblique Angles.
Again simple enough. Why must the projectile come from me? Why not from a foe's blind-spot? Striking them on the back of the head with a rock would end most conflicts if I struck them hard enough.
As such I have gathered two rocks. The larger would be placed as the target and the smaller would be the projectile. The experiment would conclude if I managed to strike the rock in ten degree angles on all faces while standing twenty meters away. There was much more success with this than with experiments one or two, with the rock regularly hitting the target as a whole, though it would usually take four or five attempts to strike the target zone. Never the less through perseverance I have managed to accomplish this, with my smaller rock being slowly ground down by the attempt.
The over all goal would be a strike to the eyes or ears of the foe, rendering the temporarily (or maybe even one day permanently) crippled, unable to fight and ready for a death blow. This could be further compounded by throwing sand or dirt, though I would advise this used sparingly else all will come to battle with goggles on.
In my experimentation I have tried to push my own boundaries with the force. The ideas espoused in here would not necessarily have combat applications yet (or at all) but any Sith hopeful who does not attempt to expand their power is truly stupid. Overall I have the most ambition for experiment four as this was by far the simplest. In the future as I grow in power this might change. I do acknowledge that what I have accomplished is basic by the standards of the Sith, but to push ones limits brings progress.
Other ideas that were considered and rejected were as follows:
  • Trying to crack the ground under a foe so as to make them loose balance. Above me for now. The streets of Orsus can take the weights of tanks. Perhaps something to try on a more delicate world?
  • Telekinetic puppetry of foes. Controlling their bodies against their will. I suspect this is possible but the power disparity that would be needed to accomplish this would render it moot. If you are so much stronger than your foe, snapping their neck may prove more practical.
  • Ripping up debris to serve as a barrier. I know this can be done and would prove just a matter of power and training. For now I could lift up to maybe a manhole cover from the street, but not the floor itself on Orsus.

I erred over if this was appropriate for the acolyte archives or not, but I feel the values of making do with the assets that you have to become stronger with would benefit some. Abject luxury would be a crutch and a weakness. Through my passion to train, I break the chains that would be imposed on me by circumstance. The Dark Side asks only strength of it's proponents. Those too weak to grow irrelevant of circumstance must falter and fail.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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