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Replacement of Damaged Cybernetic Limbs of the Grafted Unit Variety

By Acolyte Tutam

Given the supreme lack of any mechanical skill I have detected among the other acolytes, I have decided to put a guide together on how one replaces such a limb with the hopes that should they ever have a limb removed more than once (likely in some cases), they will have the tools necessary to replace it.
It is not enough to just unplug an arm from the body completely and replace it. Cybernetics work on one of two systems. The first is a Socket and Plug Unit. This is where all the initial surgery does is implant an interface between flesh and metal, leaving a limb to be subsequently applied at a later date. This has several advantages. Once the limb is applied, it would be a simple matter to remove it for cleaning. It would also give the cyborg in question a choice of limbs, with one removing redundant appendages to replace with more suitable ones. The disadvantages would be as follows: The connection between cyborg and limb would be weaker, prone to becoming damaged.The limb itself would be weaker, not having as strong a bond to the user as one grafted on. The limb would typically be more expensive, needing to have an interface of it's own installed on the limb itself as well as the socket. A final disadvantage that would make this choice unpalatable for all who would hope to be Sith: the limb would have a set of buttons that when pressed would disengage any lock upon it and detach it from the body. These buttons are large and ergonomic, designed to be used with but one hand for obvious reasons and as such would be easily targeted through the force. A Sith whose arms and legs would fall off at the will and whim of his enemies would be a damned fool.
The second type and the kind that is standard issue for the imperial military would be a Grafted Unit. This would be installed in one piece, connecting to the bone of the patient directly with the only option for installation and removal being full surgery. This choice would have the inverse benefits of the above Socket and Plug Unit. It would be stronger, cheaper, harder to remove and non interchangeable. This would be the kind installed upon myself and the kind this guide is for.
This non-interchangeability however would prove an issue, being as half of my left arm was removed during my second trial, by a republic aligned assassin by the name Alexandrio Peztic with a blaster bolt. The bolt would be of a high impact grade, clearly meant to put down any threat encountered and would in fact do this to my arm. The damage would be severe. I would have no hand left to speak of, it being vaporized by the force of the blow. My forearm would be mostly charred from the blow, burnt jagged metal being all that was left of it until about the middle. There the remaining motors and electronics would be fried. By my estimation the last part along my arm that worked fully was the elbow. Anything lower would be highly damaged.
The first step I took after this was to acquire a new arm. By the grace of Sith Soti, I was directed to the medical staff would would furnish me with one but would have higher priorities that installing it. As such I would find a quiet spot in engineering, with the permission of one of the engineers, and would set about my work. The second step would be to ascertain just how much of the original arm is salvageable. Above I made note that to install a Grafted Unit limb you need a full surgery. This is true the first time one is installed but if it is undamaged, it is possible to use the remnants of the first limb, provided they are undamaged.
The second step would be to work out what damage has occurred to the first and to cut out all the unsalvageable parts. This is done most easily with smaller parts, twisting them out and off with the force but for larger parts a vibro-scalpel may be needed. The next step would be to remove all the components on the new limb that are not still there on the first. This is to be able to combine the two limbs into one new so-called Cut and Shut limb. This whole process can take several hours and this is not hastened by the missing limb. When these two are finally ready for installation, it is worth a moment to take a second to ensure you have done this correctly. each wire that you are to solder together is with it's appropriate mating wire. Each section of metal is to be welded or bolted to the correct section of the opposing half. If this is done poorly, you can electrocute yourself, break your arm or worse. This is not a pleasant fate for one hoping to repair a grievous wound.
The next step is the installation itself. If documentation is available, refer to it. No one knows the product as well as the designer does and they have made this available for a reason. Follow the instructions and you will have a great advantage over those too stupid to do so. Once the first connection is made, it is inadvisable to stop until all have been made. The limb should be supported in an stable way and should not be allowed to move during the procedure. A point should be made that the first wire to be soldered is the earth wire. This would be so that if you do make a mistake when installing the limb, you do not kill yourself. The live wires should be last of all and should not be live during the joining procedure. Several hundred volts going through a soldering iron into your working arm would prove a stupid way to die.
The final step is inspection. Each motor, electrical connection and joint must be tested both physically and electrically. If mistakes are made, this could prove deeply costly, as if your body were substandard in some way. The new limb should perform to your specifications. If necessary adapt them to suit your specifications. In the case of my new limb, I have had the fingers altered so that they would have a better grip on the handle of my Vibrosword. This should hopefully allow me a better grip on it so that disarming blows prove more difficult to those who oppose me.
In conclusion, engineering while not a traditional Sith pursuit, is vital knowledge for one in my position. Wounds heal. Robotics do not and must be maintained, for all the advantages that they offer. Many do not see this as worth the mutilation of the flesh, but for those of us who have had the choice foisted upon us by fate, we must make do.
All spare-parts and tools have been returned to the medical and engineering sections respectively.
Glory to the Empire.


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War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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