20-05-2023, 12:50 PM
Name: Crix Rennab
Date of Birth: 20/04/8ATC
Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
Sex: Male
Species: Human (Imperial), 2.4% Sith admixture
Blood Type: A+
Date of injury: (Now)
Treatment: Sedate patient until effect of the Stamina Adrenal is removed. Patients with more critical conditions nearby.
Triage Card: GREEN
Date of Birth: 20/04/8ATC
Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
Sex: Male
Species: Human (Imperial), 2.4% Sith admixture
Blood Type: A+
Date of injury: (Now)
- Whiplashed neck
- 4th Rib bone fractured
- Dented armour pushing into 4th Rib bone
- Muscle rupture left thigh quadricepts
- 2nd degree burns right forarm, 14 CM wide, 5cm deep, close to elbow.
- Sprainted right foot/ankle
- Right shoulder disclocated, right shoulder armour heavily dented.
- Overdose on Stamina Adrenal
Treatment: Sedate patient until effect of the Stamina Adrenal is removed. Patients with more critical conditions nearby.
Triage Card: GREEN