Posts: 46
Threads: 6
Joined: Sep 2023
Character(s): Veilak
Discord username: krauser_
Operation: Glory of Innocence
Mission Participants:
Sith Vi'kas
Apprentice Veilak
Apprentice Xulia Horuset
Sergeant "Immortal" Miriadas
Mission Summary:
We've intercepted the corvette via drop pods and from there we made our way towards our targets. Though, that would've been to a halt as we've encountered a small wave of Republic soldiers, attempting to catch us in a crossfire, however Sith Vi'kas' war-droids proved more than effective in dispatching them. The Droids would herald the Sith's coming further, however upon reaching a flight of stairs an unmistakable whirr of the lightsaber and the presence of a Jedi could've been felt.
The Knight was a Dowutin - a massive, hulking creature with an equally sized lightsaber - which proved to be quite an opposition, seeing as it crushed the two droids Sith Vi'kas took along like they were naught but tin-cans. It was accompanied by a canid-like alien commando with a heavy repeating blaster cannon, as well as two regular soldiers. The fight have ensued, me and Sith Vi'kas have engaged the Jedi, as Apprentice Xulia and Sergeant Miriadas fought against the troops.
It could've been called a drag, the alien's skin was thick and even and even with a swing of a lightsaber, it took brunt of the damage like it was nothing. The other two didn't fare better as the heavy blaster fire was enough to keep them occupied from further engagement. But as the time went on the tide was turned in our favour, as both "teams" weaved in their attacks, giving us further ground to press the attack, and soon enough, both the Jedi and it's lackeys were biting dust.
Yet, it wasn't over yet, as we still had to overtake the ship and find the younglings - the latter revealed themselves, accompanied by a shoddy blaster shot - to which Sith Vi'kas saw to not harm anyone further. And as such, we made our way towards the bridge where we've encountered the bold Captain and her bold co-pilots, where negotiations were put through. However, the said negotiations were short, as the Captain decided to refuse our charitability of simply giving the ship over and closed Sith Vi'kas off.
This didn't last long as the Sergeant made short work of the blast-door, bypassing it's systems and opening up a path for us to re-join. After some additional convincing, the they saw reason and flew us back to Dromund Kaas. Though, it has to be mentioned that only one co-pilot decided to be reasonable, as the Captain was promptly shot in the head as they refused our offer.
After that, we've intercepted the Force-Sensitive children, eleven in total. All in one piece, though shaken from the encounter. The body of the Jedi is to be transported from the ship, seeing as it's mass didn't allow as for immediate removal of the cadaver. The ship is also secured, yet, in need of repair for the damage caused from the drop pods.
That is all.