28-04-2023, 12:09 AM
Name: Sith Kaer.
Title and Rank: Household Sith, Envoy of Inquisition, Lorekeeper.
"Finally, I want two more Acolytes to sign up for the Secret Objective, once I have seen the first names for this Objective, you will receive a holomessage from me. The best candidate here, wins the Secret Objective."
"At the end, there will be three winners, which of whom I will decide who they are, and the three will be rewarded, as well as tested personally by me."
Number of Acolytes Needed: 2 for each objective > 6 Acolytes.
Due Date: 9th of May. The long extension is due to the Acolyte Trials. If you finish your objective sooner, then seek me out.
OOC NOTE! You can only sign up for ONE Objective! When you reply to this message, state your name and the objective you wish to do. Only the first two in each Objective is valid! May the odds be ever in your favour!
Title and Rank: Household Sith, Envoy of Inquisition, Lorekeeper.
Task for Acolytes: "This is a task with multiple objectives. There is a Writing Objective, a Hunting Objective, and a Secret Objective. Each objective will have two Acolytes, and only one out of each objective will win a prize by me. NOTE: You, as an Acolyte, can only sign up for one objective. It is first come first serve with the objectives. If one of the objectives have been chosen by two Acolytes, then put your name down at the next available objective.
"For the Writing Objective, I want two Acolytes to write a piece based on all sorts of Apparitions. I want a detailed report on each type of apparition, and their danger level. Make sure that it is your own work, and not an exact copy of the Apparition report that was written by Darth Horuset. I want to see what Acolytes can find on the topic, and hear their thoughts on the matter. The Acolyte with the most detailed and pleasing report, will win the Writing Objective."
"Then I want two more Acolytes to find me a good breeding or herding ground on Dromund Kaas. The creature in question is a Vine Cat. The two Acolytes here, I want two separate findings, not just one location. So here, the two Acolytes are in competition on who can find me the best breeding ground of Vine Cats on Dromund Kaas. The winner will be decided on the best location and most detailed report given to me, and will win the Hunting Objective."
"Finally, I want two more Acolytes to sign up for the Secret Objective, once I have seen the first names for this Objective, you will receive a holomessage from me. The best candidate here, wins the Secret Objective."
"At the end, there will be three winners, which of whom I will decide who they are, and the three will be rewarded, as well as tested personally by me."
Number of Acolytes Needed: 2 for each objective > 6 Acolytes.
Due Date: 9th of May. The long extension is due to the Acolyte Trials. If you finish your objective sooner, then seek me out.
OOC NOTE! You can only sign up for ONE Objective! When you reply to this message, state your name and the objective you wish to do. Only the first two in each Objective is valid! May the odds be ever in your favour!